Developing a Good New Habit

Developing a Good New Habit

Every new year, resolutions are thought about, discussed, begun, accomplished, abandoned, etc.  I heard one psychologist talk about new year’s resolutions and thought by renaming them, they would seem less daunting, e.g., aspirations, intentions.  Let’s not label them, we will just talk about developing a good new habit this year.

Maybe you want to exercise more, lose weight, spend more intentional time with family, read more, attend church more regularly,  get up earlier to start each day, watch only inspirational shows or movies, get together for fun with friends more often, volunteer more, travel more, sign up for a class you are interested in, or something that would add positivity into your  life.  Whatever it is , there are certain things you can do to get started and stay on track.

  1.   Decide what good new habit you want to develop this year.
  2.   Write it down and tell someone about it. Maybe even get someone to do it with you or hold you accountable.
  3.   Think about how you will feel about yourself if you accomplish your goal.  How will this change your self-esteem?
  4.   Determine what you have to risk or invest to achieve your goal. 
  5.   Put it on your calendar.
  6.   Look back every 30 days to see how you are doing.  Give yourself a rating on a scale of 1 to 5, 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good, 5=excellent.
  7.   Empower yourself to keep going, don’t make excuses.
  8.   If you get off track, tomorrow is a new day, begin again.
  9.   Celebrate your success!

For example, if you decide to read more – self-help books, business books, spiritual books, leadership books, inspirational stories – Libby is a free app that attaches your library card to books that are available to download.  You can listen to them via audio, read them via Kindle, or read them on the app.  You borrow books just like you would from the library. Put them on your shelf for 14 days and return them or renew them, as needed.  It is a great inexpensive and quick way to access the library and it is digital.  Reading more is a great new habit to begin in 2024!

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.  Excellence is not an exception; it is a prevailing attitude.” -Collin Powell

“Rest when you are weary.  Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind,your spirit.  Then get back to work.” – Ralph Marston

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